Friday, December 25, 2015

Happy Everything!

At the end of each year at Staufer Team Real Estate, the agents get together to prepare our business plans for the new year. Not only do we review and create professional goals but personal goals, as well. Each agent picks a "word" for the new year - something that helps us focus on a quality or idea we would like to improve. Some of my past words have been "Growth," "Sustainability" and "Support." For 2016, I've chosen "Intentional."

Present moment awareness is a skill I am trying to cultivate. I believe it will help me be a calmer presence and a better listener. I want to choose my words and actions with more intention, and I believe this will result in wiser choices and a more peaceful existence. One of my goals is to commit to some kind of volunteer work, not just write checks to charitable organizations. I would like to spend more time with people who enjoy giving, appreciate them more, and allow that spirit to continue to grow my gratitude in the new year.

The best part of my job is helping great people who then become part of my life. The holidays are about spending time with loved ones and being grateful for the gifts we have. Yet there are so many people who struggle this time of year. It is so easy to allow our daily lives and a fearful culture to narrow our focus and our energies. Yet when we open our hearts and act from love our fears grow smaller and our world gets bigger. My wish and challenge for you in the new year is that you allow the holiday spirit to stay with you beyond the decorations, and that you make an intentional choice to expand your perspective and your world. ❤️

I would love to help you with your real estate journey. 
Please contact me at 303-917-7143 or

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