Friday, March 22, 2013

Tenant Sabotage

Only in this hot Louisville market, where buyers are hovering over a dearth of inventory, could an owner expect to sell a home in the condition that this one was in when I entered with my clients a few days ago.

I don't think we even noticed the other "appliances."
The smell of pot and dog pee accosted us as we entered the front door.  There were dirty clothes and empty food containers on every surface.  Mud was streaked across the front hall tile, and someone's lunch was ripening on the coffee table.  It only got worse the further in we went, and my clients, who normally see the potential in houses they don't even care for, were in and out in five minutes trying not to gag.  We declined to even open the two closed bedroom doors at the top of the stairs, a little worried about what might jump out at us.

It can be tough to keep a house in showing condition all the time, especially with children or pets in residence.  Even tougher sometimes is to get a tenant to cooperate with the owner's wishes, especially if the tenant is not thrilled about having to terminate the lease.  However, landlords can offer incentives to tenants to keep the home looking good, and I think it's money well-spent.  Even in this time of anxious buyers and multiple-offers, it's hard to overlook some things.

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